Why Soccer Forward

Participating in sports improves health, happiness, confidence, and connections.  Soccer is the most accessible sport and therefore the one that has the greatest opportunity (and biggest responsibility) to positively impact society. We want to ensure everyone, everywhere in the United States benefits from the beautiful game.

Why soccer and why now?

Team sports enhance wellbeing and teach important life skills. Soccer has the lowest barrier to entry; all you need is a ball. Anyone can play, regardless of physical stature or economic background. Participating needn’t be expensive, which is one of the reasons for soccer’s worldwide popularity, and the game is easy to understand. At its core, soccer is inherently accessible, inclusive, and global.

Soccer in America is set for explosive growth over the coming years. There is exciting momentum and investing in soccer now will have outsized impact given key event accelerants (Copa America, FIFA World Cup, Olympics) over the coming decade. America’s cities are ready to host these events and be on the forefront of positive social impact through soccer.

A project of U.S. Soccer

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